Stephen Berry, Digital Humanities


Stephen Berry is Gregory Professor of the Civil War Era in the Department of History at the University of Georgia and the author or editor of four books on America in the mid-19th century, including House of Abraham: Lincoln and the Todds, A Family Divided by War. Berry is co-director, with Claudio Saunt, of both the Center for Virtual History and the Digital Humanities Initiative on the UGA campus. A Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians, Berry’s work has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Mellon Foundation, and the American Council of Learned Societies.

WORKSHOP: “The Digital Humanities at A(nother) Crossroads.” In an informal brown-bag setting historian Stephen Berry, Co-Director of the University of Georgia’s Digital Humanities Initiative, will discuss the major trends and players in digital humanities with an emphasis on how information technologies are reshaping, but not revolutionizing, humanities research and teaching. October 22nd at noon, in Usdan 108

TALK: “CSI Dixie: Death Investigation and the Civil War Era South.” Come learn what the morgue can tell us about life and death in the nineteenth-century South. Based on a deep reading of the extant coroners’ inquests for the state of South Carolina, Berry provides glimpses into the sad intimacies inherent in the varied ways people go out of the world. “No society should be judged solely from its morgue,” Berry concludes, “but every society has to answer for its morgue.” October 22nd at 4:15pm, in Wyllys 112